Role Objective
To assure that each Scout has access to a well-rounded Scoutcraft
area, merit badge program, and first year camper program.
Reports to
Program Director
Must be in compliance with the Boy Scouts of America's National
Camp Accreditation Program Standard SQ-412 or is otherwise able to
become compliant with the requirements before the start of the
summer camp season.
- Must have a valid certificate of training from the Outdoor
Skills section of National Camping School.
- Or, proficient in equivalent skills, which may include but are
not limited to Scouting experience as a Scouts BSA or outdoor
Venturing crew leader and having earned and taught merit
badges offered in the Scoutcraft area or having earned the
National Medal for Outdoor Adventure or the Venturing
Ranger Award or similar life experience; or completion of
college courses in outdoor skills topics. Mere completion of
the Scoutcraft merit badges is not sufficient by itself.
Must be in good standing with the Boy Scouts of America,
Conquistador Council, and Wehinahpay Mountain Camp.
Extensive experience with Scoutcraft concepts and skills,
especially in teaching them to others.
The Scoutcraft Director must have knowledge of, and be able to teach Scoutcraft skills to campers,
and interact with unit leadership. Specific responsibilities include:
Supervise, train, and motivate the Scoutcraft staff in all their activities.
Offer a quality Scoutcraft program which may include Camping, Cooking, Hiking,
Orienteering, and Wilderness Survival merit badges.
Offer a quality first-year-camper program which may include requirements from the Tenderfoot through the First Class ranks.
Direct the set-up and take-down of a quality Scoutcraft area.
Maintenance, inventory, security, safety, and wise use of all Scoutcraft equipment.
Maintain strict discipline at all times when campers, leaders, and other staff are in the area.
Represent the Scoutcraft staff at all area director meetings.
Promote and instruct outpost and low impact camping opportunities.
Promote Order of the Arrow and other special programs (ex. NYLT, NAYLE, etc.).
Participate in all camp-wide activities as assigned.
Make a written advancement report on all Scoutcraft Area activities at the end of each week.
Conduct program staff evaluations for Scoutcraft staff as requested and submit a written
report on the work of each of the staff at the close of the camp season.
Submit a complete inventory of all Scoutcraft Area equipment, including condition and
recommendations for next year's supplies.
Assist in the set-up and take-down